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The National Forest Policy December 2023
Seed storage to increase longevity period and maintain viability after sale
Human-elephant conflicts down nearly 90% in Tsavo community thanks to fencing
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Enhancing Collaboration
KMS facilitates collaboration among stakeholders involved in FLR efforts, including government agencies, local communities, NGOs, researchers, universities and research institutions. It provides a centralized platform for sharing knowledge, best practices, and lessons learned, promoting a more coordinated and holistic approach to restoration activities.
Facilitate innovation
FLR involves various methods, technologies and tools used in land-use planning, restoration techniques, and biodiversity conservation. A KMS enables the collection, analysis, and synthesis of data, information, and expertise from various sources, empowering users with the necessary knowledge to innovate, contribute to innovation or make user of innovations.
Scaling Up Restoration Efforts
Kenya has set ambitious targets for forest landscape restoration under the Bonn Challenge and the Sustainable Development Goals. A KMS can help in scaling up restoration efforts by facilitating the dissemination of successful restoration models, lessons learned, and innovative approaches to stakeholders across the country.
Kenya's premier conservation education facility, one of a kind.
ecosystem retoration in arid lands in kenya aims to reduce the impact of climate change on the economy and improve the li…
Community forests are forests fully owned by local communities and are held in trust by their local governments.