Seed storage to increase longevity period and maintain viability after sale

Category: Tree-Based Systems || Sub-Category: Afforestation || Date Added: 15-Jan-2025

  • Technologies, Publisher, Impact, Lessons learnt, Recommendations, Steps etc

    Implementation Steps:

    The rate loss of seed viability (germination percentage) of seed after sale and retrieval from cold store may be high depending on methods of handling of the seeds by the customer after purchase and there after storage at their respective conditions. There are two categories or classes of seeds namely recalcitrant which is a soft coated seed stored with high moisture content for short period and Orthox seeds which are hard coated stored with low moisture contents below10% and srored for long period in cold stores in airtight, dark containers. Steps to take after collecting seeds from KEFRI stores.
    1. Put seeds in room temperature for 24hrs after retrieval from cold stores if seeds are for immediate sowing
    2. if seeds is packed in polythene sheets Punch holes on polythene sheet to prevent seeds seeds from suffocation as its a living organism
    3. Prevent seed from direct sun during transportation
    4. Don't put recalcitrant seeds in polythene tubes during transportation
    5. Don't stores recalcitrant seeds for more than 5 days after purchase
    6. Orthodox seeds can be stored for a month in a cool dry place at room temperature in airtight containers for one month.
    7. Never store seeds for longer period and if need be KEFRI seed centre can stores seeds for customers to collect at their convenient time.
    8. For those with refrigeration they can set at +5 degree Celsius , then package seed in airtight containers and store in them for months. However, this doesn't apply to recalcitrant seeds due to crystallization of water within the seeds
    9. For better handling of seeds after sales, please always read respective seed labels attached for better results
    10. KEFRI doesn't take any liability for any seeds after leaving KEFRI premises but they do provide after sales advice on sowing if need be or if requested to by customers.

    Resources Used:

    Ambient/cool/room temperature
    Airtight container
    Seed handling Guides

  • Authors
    • Name: Stephen M. Ndung'u
      Occupation: Senior Research Scientist
      Organization: Kenya Forestry Research Institute